Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Project 365 #141 - Pike Place market in Seattle

First thing that comes to my mind is that this is the place where it all began for Starbucks, now a multi-billion dollar coffee company. Being at Pike Place Market, which at the time of my first visit looked like an ordinary farmer's market, the subsequent visits did make me think that this place has got the vibe that is different from other farmer's market. Open for almost 20hrs a day for all year round gives plenty of opportunity to get great photographs for every season.

I took this shot in August of 2007. I put the weather condition to its advantage as there were colorful fruits and vegetables on display. This particular shot location was inside and so with low light condition it was not an easy shot to capture the sharpness. Still I believe I managed to keep my hands rock-steady and control my breathe.

Date Taken: August 2007