Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photo Quiz

by Nirav Shah

Can you identify the location in this photo? Give me the name of this city in your comment.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Twittering, Facebooking and Googling

I just created my account on Twitter. My goal is to network as much as possible in the areas of photography and software development. You can find me on Twitter and Facebook as Nirav Shah.

I am trying to get some photography assignments especially in the areas of weddings, parties and event photography. Networking is the key here. The more you put yourself out there the more people will know you. I have also joined New York Institute of Photography to get the professional degree. Spending too much time behind the screen is probably not the best idea. Yet this is what I have done so far. I've spent lot of time on the net trying to get the word out but believe it or not nothing beats verbal communication.