Sunday, May 31, 2009

Flashback 5 of 365

Desert and Water

Udaipur, Rajasthan - 01/09/2006

I have lot of memories in this place. Well, diving right into the angle of photography I love this shot for 2 reasons. One, if anyone who knows what Rajasthan is they know that water is scarce in this place. Rajasthan is a western state of India which is mostly desert. Finding such a beautiful uninterrupted landscape is rare here.

And second reason which is my favorite one is that this picture is not what came out of the camera. What came out of the camera were multiple shots I took by panning the camera to get complete landscape. Then I stitched them together using Photoshop Merge utility. This was my first successful merging of multiple shots into one to create a panoramic landscape.

I really love this photo because this is the result of a very planned shot which actually turned out to be much better than I had originally thought when I was taking this picture.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Flashback 4 of 365

Really Surreal!!!

Mt. Shasta - 12/22/2007
This is probably my best shot that was unplanned. It was spontaneous and instantaneous decision to freeze the moment. I was getting into my car just when I saw this beautiful moonlight softly lighting up the tip of these really tall trees and the clouds. I just wished I had a bigger zoom lens to get even closer. This image is cropped to make it look like so. I love nature and I am glad I could capture this beautiful moment.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Flashback 3 of 365

looking Hot! (pepper wise)
Seattle Pike Place Market - 08/15/2007
What I liked: This is the best arrangement I have seen in a market. I just couldn't resist but click on this one. So colorful and vibrant colors of various peppers. I am sure dozens of hot Indian recipes must have crossed my mind in those few minutes.

What I expected: I was hoping for a more vibrant image. These things were hanging high that the background was white uninteresting sky due to overcast. I could have a better result than this but frankly speaking I didn't know how.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Flashback 1 of 365

At the LA Auto Show on 11/27/2008

Project Flashback 365

There is a buzz on the net in photographer community and that is project this, project that! I really like that concept. It is a very simple concept yet a very powerful tool to not only deliver your best in photography but also to make a contiguous learning process. With that inspiration in mind, I decided to start my project called Flashback 360.

Already having a pool of photographs I have taken for years, I decided to blog on those one a day to make it my year project.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the ride!