was hosting a program to create a huge earth mosaic with pictures taken on Earth day which was April 22, 2009 by the participants. This is where the power of
Twitter kicked in. I followed the link and registered on website to participate in their effort.
Next, I took my camera with me to work and captured some moments throughout the day. And few days later, VOILA!!!

Here are my images that were in the mosaic. Few weeks ago I had written a blog about my day on Earth Day where I had posted these images. You can find the originals of these images

You can download original size mosaic image file at
They were also generous to include names of people who contributed to this mosaic and create a Wordle out of it. Lets see if you can find my name "Nirav" in this wordle.

No luck? Here you go.

This was a really great end to end experience for me. What better way to show that we care for our one and only planet EARTH!